Monday, April 28, 2008

Introducing... Jake!!!

Yes, we have a new addition to our family! Scott bought a chocolate lab yesterday. We finally decided to name him Jake, but haven't come up with his "official name" for the registration. Chloe had a hard time with this at first, but she's beginning to warm up to the idea of having a new playmate!


Mandy said...

I love that name. It's always been my favorite. Good pick! Poor Chloe! She looks pooped. Jake is soooo cute. I can't wait to see him. Bella will be there soon. That will be funny.

Lindsey said...

How cute! I want a dog. Jeremy said that Jake will probably drive Chloe nuts. haha

Btw, I have tagged you on my blog in case you didn't know. :)

Crystal said...

He's precious. I can't wait to get Abbie a playmate.