Monday, November 3, 2008


Ok yall. This is it. Please go out and vote tomorrow. Please pray about this and keep Obama out of the White House! I'm not going to go into much detail, but I don't want to think about what this country will be like in 4 years. Redistribution of wealth? I don't think so. Everyone should have equal opportunities? Yeah! Get off your butts and find a job! Get loans to go to college! Since I work in home health, I get to see a lot of the lower SES neighborhoods. Let me tell you how sickening it is to see young people just sitting out on front porches, walking the streets and riding bicycles all day. You can't tell me that they can't make something of themselves. They just don't want to. So, why should my money from the job that I worked really hard to get, go to these people? It shouldn't! I'm still paying back my loans and will be for a few more years! Ok, I'm not going into this any further. You can read my cousins blog! Lots of good points that everyone needs to think about before voting tomorrow. No, I don't agree with everything McCain stands for, but if I put him and Obama on a scale, McCain would win. It makes me so ill to think of people who aren't voting for either candidate tomorrow. They are writing in Ron Paul! What is that about? All I know is I don't want to hear anyone complaining about our next President if you don't vote tomorrow or write someone in. That's a waste! Ok peoples....GO VOTE!!!


Chad said...

Thanks for the shout out.