Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Come on!

Ok, it's over. Everyone knows who won the election last night. I mean, really, I already knew Obama would win. Now, hang on....let me climb on my soapbox. Everyone is so excited talking about how history has been made and this is such a big deal that Obama was elected President. But, they say, it's not because he's black. It's because he's a great American. Really? Why? First of all, he's as much white as he is black. So if you don't want to make this about race, don't even bring that up. If it's not about race, then why is he being President such a big deal? If he's looked at as a "great American" then this election is no more important than any other man who has had the privilege of being President of the United States of America. What has he done to be classified as a "great American"? I really hope that he does have a great plan. I hope he turns out to be a great President. But, I will never agree with what he stands for. So, the fact that Obama was elected does bother me. But what bothers me more is the ignorance in this country. Ok. I had to get that verbalized or written! The good thing is that I can rely on the truth and my faith. God is in control always and everything will be okay. I'll be praying. So, there you go! Thoughts?


Lindsey said...

I agree. I don't care if he is purple, I don't agree with what he stands for! And if you are a Christian you shouldn't either. It is not a race thing to be; but it has obviously turned into that for others. And I think race relations are unfortunately only going to get worse. I also hope that my thoughts and feelings a/b Obama are wrong. I really do. And he can't make decisions alone, it takes the rest of the congress, etc. But it could definitely happen now since the democrats have the majority.
I am trying to stay positive but it is hard!
I could stay on this topic for a while too Jill!

Chad said...

I concur. If it is't a race thing then don't bring it up. The very fact that the media mentions that it isn't a race thing means it is a race thing. Does that even make sense?

Jac said...

I agree as well. I could care less that he's black, or white, or whatever. He has a very sketchy past and has yet to tell what his "change" policy is. This could be scary. I've prayed myself to death these past few days. God will take care of us - he's yet to let us down.

Mandy said...

amen sister!